Update v1.2, also known as the Thundering Keep Update, released on January 16, 2020. The following are the official update notes.
Hey everyone! We're happy to present the free Thundering Keep update that should now be live on all platforms (PC/Mac/Linux, Switch, PS4, and Xbox)! We hope you enjoy the new content please let us know if you run into any issues via Twitter or Discord! Thank you all for the continued support that made this update possible!
Quick Overview[]
- New Lightning boss, stage, and enemies
- Over 20 new arcana
- Over 30 new relics
- New signatures, outfits, and more!
Change Log[]
- 24 new arcana
- 6 new basic arcana
- 6 new dash arcana
- 12 new standard arcana
- 12 new signatures
- Minor adjustments to existing arcana (see below)
- 39 new relics
- Minor adjustments to existing relics (see below)
Quality of Life[]
- Outfit info now displayed in the equipment menu along with their stats
- Boss Rush cost changed from 25 to 10 gems
- Doki the Banker now takes your Token of Wealth and gives you a flat 20 gems in addition to the gold exchange
- Defense stat removed and replaced with appropriate stats such as armor or hp as it was causing too much confusion
- Versus Mode's Arena of Fury (Fire) now makes players do double damage instead of enhancing all spawned arcana
Bug Fixes[]
- Fixed an error where Freiya might bug out when her lances are destroyed before being thrown
Minor Arcana Adjustments[]
- Heroic Leap changed to always activate regardless of if an enemy was grabbed and cancel delay reduced
- Flame Strike changed to a charged basic skill that changes properties when fully charged
- All wards and seekers arcana are now classified as summon arcana
- Mentis Imperium changed to shoot an arrow that buffs affected enemy and mind controls them until they are defeated
- Frozen Bait now freezes enemies in the area when it lands
- Frost Feint now has an extra charge with lowered damage
- Phantom Brigade signature gain reduced and cooldown increased
- Ignition Rush cooldown reduced
- Voltaic Needle no longer throws you off ledges into pits
- Raging Inferno cooldown reduced
- Minion arcana spawn count normalized to 2 and starting hp normalized
- Shattering Strike stun amount increased
- All buff skills standardized, cooldowns now start at end of skill but all cooldowns reduced to compensate
- Wave Front Dash, Frost Wing cooldown slightly increased
- Heroic Blaze signature damage slightly lowered
- Bouncing Bubble initial charge changed from 5 to 4
- Rock-solid Tomahawk stun amount increased
Minor Relic Adjustments[]
- Chaos Visor moved to Offense and now also added projectile crit chance
- Chaos Scanner moved to Offense and now also slightly increases damage
- Evening Gloves changed to auto combo when holding the button down and gives extra signature charge when using basic attacks
- Raspberry Cookie Box effect increased from 30% to 50%
- Halved the damage down effects of Ebon Wolf's Cloak
- Pop-up Primer no longer has a negative max HP penalty on summoned minions
- Mystic Monopole changed to decrease knockback instead of increase knockback
- Berserker's Axe damage increase changed from 20% to 15%
- Singing Bowl crit effect no longer activates when you use a basic
- Hyperbolic Train signature gain changed from 30% to 25%
- Thesis on Defense now increases armor instead of defense
- Chaotic Pendulum's enemy CD reduction changed from 75% to 25%
- Jumper Cables effect changed to reduced cooldown on all movement arcana
- Elven Ears effect changed to lower the chance of being afflicted by all status effects
- Dice of the Nemesis changed to add a flat 300 damage to what you would have done instead of forcing 300 crit to accomodate for high damage builds
- Cassim's Airy Cloak cooldown reduced and active duration lowered
- Sano's Headband moved to Defense
- Demi's Teapot moved to Misc