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Ward of Frost
Ward of Frost
ElementWater (Ice) Ice
DescriptionForm a ward of frost that periodically freezes foes and increases all water damage done in the area!
Cost25 Chaos gem
125 Gold
DescriptionWard area is increased and also increases lightning damage done in the area!

Ward of Frost is a Standard Water Arcana in Wizard of Legend


The Water element version of the ward spell. Enemies take 20% more damage from Water Arcana while within the ward's radius. This Arcana has and initial blast that deals more damage than the periodic damage pulses and freezes enemies hit. The ward lingers for about 8 seconds.

When enhanced, this Arcana will increase Lightning damage and gain a wider area of effect.

Wards have 50 health and can be destroyed by enemy attacks.


Like, any ward place it either the moment you enter the room or behind you when being chased.

The enhanced version provides better coverage as opponents can be stun lock in the ward's radius.

Spell combos[]

  • Perfect Storm Perfect Storm syncs with the ward as both are freezing opponents in wide area. Trying placing the ward down first and then perfect storm over the ward.
  • Rebounding Icicles Rebounding Icicles works very well with Ward of Frost as most enemies hit will be brought back to where the spell was initially cast.

Item combos[]

Additional notes[]

  • In versus mode, wards can only be damaged by arcana that deal damage from above (Crashing Meteor Crashing Meteor, Dragon Fall Dragon Fall, Thundering Chain Thundering Chain and most jump arcana). They can take damage from any enemy attack in the Chaos Trials.
  • Its cooldown starts immediately after being summoned so if it expires without being destroyed, it can be immediately replaced.
